Content Operations Evolution | Marketing Makers | Episode 5.1

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Why You Absolutely, Positively Must Understand Your Blogging Audience

Anyone can slap up a blog or write an e-book on a subject they are interested in or know a lot about. You have to go one step further, and make your blog, unique or different in some way.

The Two Words That Can Hugely Profit Or Totally Destroy Your Online Writing Business

If you want to make money writing or set up your own online writing business, there are two words of advice that are crucial to your success. Not only are these two words imperative for you to know, but if you ignore them, you’ll fail. You’ll not only fail as a writer or as an online entrepreneur, but you’ll fail at everything you ever try and do. In fact, you probably ignore these two words of advice already which is why your life always stays at the same mediocre level. Want to know what this advice is? Then read on.

8 Step Guide To Writing An Epic Blog

A great piece of content cannot be created by just winging it. Use the following formula below to polish your creation so that it is as good as it possibly can be when you hit publish.

What Is The Best Time To Publish A Blog Post?

Knowing when to publish is just as important as what to publish. Publish an incredible piece of content at the wrong time, and you are missing out on a lot of traffic.

10 Types Of Epic Blog Posts

Some types of blog posts are more inclined to perform better than others. When the most successful bloggers have a hard time trying to structure their content, they employ the following methods time and time again, to much success.

Simple Process To Write New Blog Posts

Once you get a consistent feedback loop from your audience & followers, creating content gets a bit easier. But until then… We need a solid plan to come up with fresh, new content ideas even when we feel completely drained of all ideas already. Even if you’re burned out today – the list below will help you!

How to Earn Money Online Without Working For It

Is it your dream to own your own online business and earn a passive income? Do you hate having to get up and go to work every day, while you watch enviably as others are making thousands online just from writing a few blog posts every month? Working this way is often called ‘living the laptop lifestyle’ and you’re about to discover how you can do it too.

Five Essential Qualities Of Being The Best Virtual Assistant

How do you know if you qualified as the best virtual assistant in this highly competitive virtual work setting industry? Is it a skill that matters most, or the will? These are the list of five (5) essential qualities of being the best virtual assistant that I think the most beneficial: namely; excellent communication skills, reliability, time management, resourcefulness, and confidence.

Get The Most From Your Blog Posts

When it comes to starting a blog it can sometimes be a lonely experience… You are dedicated to writing great content full of helpful information that you know your target audience will love. But how do you get the best from every one of your blog posts? More importantly how do you reach the people who really want to read what you have to say in your blog?

Blogging Basics For A Beginner

WHAT EVERY BLOGGING BEGINNER NEEDS TO KNOW I have explained here, how to start a blog, in case you would like to read. So, now that you have a blog, what next? Is it OK to just talk about the weight-loss, or do we need something more? So, to be clear your blog can be: Hobby Way To Earn Both

Cool Ways To Make Money By Working For Other Bloggers

Looking for ways to make money online? There are a number of other great ways you can make money providing service for bloggers.

How To Start A Profitable Blog

Making an income as a blogger is possible. Some bloggers are making a million dollars a year from their blogs, but many more are making an average $50K to $100K income. And you can too if you know how to start a profitable blog.

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